Voorgenomen meer te schrijven in 2025? Josje Weusten geeft op 16 januari een workshop creative writing! Kom langs en scherp met mede woordenkunstenaars je schrijfvaardigheid aan. Aanwezig zijn? Meld je even aan, want vol=vol.
Over de auteur
Josje Weusten holds a PhD in literary studies and is an alumna of the Faber Academy London. She teaches literature, poetry and creative writing at Maastricht University, the most international university of the Netherlands.
Although Josje makes a living as a lecturer, she is, first and foremost, a writer. She has written various essays, short stories and poems in English and Dutch, as well as a non-fiction book on motherhood. In literary fiction, she aims to write tongue-in-cheek, thought provoking fiction dealing with current questions of identity, taking to heart Oscar Wilde’s words that ‘A truth in art is that whose contradictory is also true.’