101 bestelbare resultaten

Kan dat geen toeval zijn? - Ronald Meester ; Klaas Slooten - 9789463725088

Het grafiekenboek - Jelke Bethlehem - 9789463720984

3D Printing Projects - JHA,  Sachidanand - 9781072617631

Isometric Graph Paper: Draw Your Own 3D, Sculpture or Landscaping Geometric Designs! 1/4 inch Equilateral Triangle Isometric Graph Recticle T - Makmak Notebooks - 9781723930911

Solidworks 200 Exercises - Sachidanand Jha - 9781094964829

Autodesk Fusion 360 Exercises - Sachidanand Jha - 9781096390220

200 - 2D 3D CAD Exercises: A Collection from Volumes 1, 2 & 3. - Kovalan Sandiyappan - 9798669656539

Blueprint Notebook: Technical Innovations - Dokument Press - 9789188369772

507 Mechanical Movements - Henry T. Brown - 9781684227136

AutoCAD Mechanical: 400 Practice Drawings For AUTOCAD MECHANICAL and Other Feature-Based 3D Modeling Software - JHA,  Sachidanand - 9781070883298

Autodesk Fusion 360 Exercises - Learn by Practicing (2023-24): Design 100 Real-World 3D Models by Practicing - John Willis - 9798866862795

Isometric Notebook - 8.5" X 11" 120 Pages: Isometric Drawing Graph Paper Notebook: Grid of Equilateral Triangles, Useful for 3D Designs such as Archit - Isometric Hexagon Graph &. Grid Paper Ex - 9781072574743

Drafting Fundamentals for the Entertainment Classroom - Eric Appleton - 9780367724702

Autodesk Fusion 360 CAM Overview - Tutorial Books - 9781393192084

Engineering Design Graphics - James M. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Leake ; Molly Hathaway (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Goldstein - 9781119490432

Autodesk Inventor 2021 Basics Tutorial - Tutorial Books - 9781393562139

Process Pipe Drafting - Terence M. Shumaker - 9781590702475

Plastic Part Design for Injection Molding - Robert A. Malloy - 9783446404687

Engineering Notebook Hardcover - Speedy Publishing LLC - 9781681450049

Hammer's Blueprint Reading Basics - Charles Gillis ; Warren Hammer - 9780831136147

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