441 bestelbare resultaten

Grip op datamodelleren - Bert Dingemans - 9789465125978

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Databases - David M. Kroenke ; David J. Auer - 9789043019873

De data-economie - Viktor Mayer-Schönberger ; Thomas Ramge - 9789492493330

Principes van databases, 3e editie met MyLab NL toegangscode - Guy De Tré - 9789043041577

Handboek Marketing 4.0 - Paul Postma - 9789024400584

The Decision Model -  - 9781420082814

De big data revolutie - Kenneth Cukier ; Viktor Mayer-Schonberger - 9789490574901

Anatomie van de verleiding - Paul Postma - 9789024400577

Handboek Access 2021 - Wilfred de Feiter - 9789463562539

Microsoft Access Bible: Well-researched and Updated Crash Course Guide From Beginner To Advanced to Build and Analyze Report, Query, Form Wiza - Jason Taylor - 9798300177966

MongoDB: Learn MongoDB in a simple way! - Dan Warnock - 9781533115058

UNIX for Oracle DBAs Pocket Reference - Donald Burleson - 9780596000660

Keeping Up With Oracle Database 12c Multitenant - Book One: CDBs, PDBs and the Multitenant World - Robert G. Freeman - 9781507628157

Data Visualization in R and Python - Marco (University of Milan Cremonini - 9781394289486

A Gentle Introduction to OpenSearch - Mitch Seymour - 9781737419099

Introducing PL/SQL to SQL Users: Enhance Your SQL with PL/SQL Procedural Logic - Djoni Darmawikarta - 9781519784674

Principles of Bitcoin - Vijay Selvam - 9780231220125

Microsoft Access Tutorial Guide: The Definitive User Manual To Master Access with Illustrations - Isaac Alejo - 9798859878185

Learn SQL by Examples: Examples of SQL Queries and Stored Procedures for MySQL and Oracle - Sergey Skudaev - 9781546996347

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